Heart Sounds

I will start a series of blogs on heart sounds. Step by Step I will give you a detailed account of various normal & abnormal heart sounds. So, lets start with enumeration of different heart sounds.

1) First Heart Sound (S1)
2) Second Heart Sound (S2)
3) Third Heart Sound (S3)
4) Fourth Heart Sound (S4)
5) Ejection Click
6) Mid Systolic Click (Non-ejection Click)
7) Pericardial Knock
8) Opening Snap
9) Tumor Plop
10) Rubs
11) Murmurs

The picture given below gives the relative position of the first 9 sounds in a cardiac cycle. The sounds in between S1 & S2 are  systolic sounds and the sounds beyond are diastolic sounds. Click on the picture to enlarge it.