JVP (Jugular Venous Pulse)

JVP (Jugular Venous Pulse):

We often find it difficult to remember the cause for the different waves in JVP. Here is an easy way to learn it. But first let’s have a look at the waves in JVP.

There are 3 positive waves & 2 negative troughs in JVP.
·         Positive waves are – a, c, & v
·         Negative waves are – x, & y

a & y waves occur during ventricular diastole while c, x, & v waves occur during ventricular systole.

Keep in mind that all the waves occur due to the pressure changes happening in the Right Atria (RA) during the course of a cardiac cycle.

The causes for these waves can be associated easily with the name of the wave itself:
·         a- wave: atrial systole
·         x- wave: atrial relaxation
·         c- wave: closure of tricuspid valve
·         v- wave: venous filling of RA
·         y- wave: early filling of RV (1st rapid filling phase)

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